Friday, 14 December 2012

Allah-ub-ul-azat Wallpapers Designs | New Mehndi Designs - Advance Fashion Wears

Allah-ub-ul-azat Wallpapers Designs | New Mehndi Designs - Advance Fashion Wears

Allah-ub-ul-azat Wallpapers Designs

Allah-ub-ul-azat Wallpapers Designs Arabia is situatedAllah-ub-ul-azatthe Middle East. It is a country made up of barren hills, valleys and deserts. The climate is hot and dry. In Arabia there is little or no rain. Due to this there is also very little vegetation. There is not a single river to be found in the country. However, there are underground springs Allah-ub-ul-azatWallpapers Designs (Oasis) found in the desert Islam teaches the purest form of Monotheism and regards polytheism as the deadliest sin. A Muslim addresses Allah-ub-ul-azat by His Personal Name: ALLAH — the word “god” and its equivalents in other languages being unstable in the matter of connotation. Allah, according to Islam, Allah-ub-ul-azat One God,Allah-ub-ul-azat Wallpapers Designs who is Indivisible in Person and Who has no partner: wife, son or daughter. He is the Matchless and naught is as His likeness Allah-ub-ul-azat Wallpapers Designs.

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